Our Story
How it all started - The Speer Brothers
Well you might as well say, “farming is in our blood.” The Speer Brothers better known as Justin and Cline, have grown-up spending their entire lives involved in farming and ranching. Their grandfather, Joe Hargrove, has ranched since he was in his early teens and owned/operated the local livestock auction, Southwest Livestock Exchange, since he was 24 years old. Their dad, Jimmy Speer, has been working alongside Joe in the farming, ranching and livestock auction business since he was only 20 years old. Since the time they were born, farming and ranching has not only been a way of life but our business.
“Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.”
Head back in time to when customer service was the focus and the the quality of goods was the priority, Feeder Max Feeds and Barrett & Speer Cottonseed products still holds to those values today. Browse our site, stop by the headquarters or give us a call to learn about our products.